Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sydney

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a short-term therapy that helps you manage problems by changing how you think and behave.

How can it help?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a short-term form of psychotherapy based on the idea that the way you think and feel affects the way you behave. The goal of CBT is to help you identify, challenge, and change maladaptive thought patterns in order to change your responses to difficult situations.

What to Expect

CBT usually starts with one or two sessions focused on assessment, during which the therapist will help you identify the symptoms or behaviour patterns that are causing you the most problems and set goals for treatment. In subsequent sessions, you will identify the negative or maladaptive thoughts you have about your current problems and determine whether or not these thoughts are realistic. If these thoughts are deemed unrealistic, you will learn skills that help challenge and ultimately change your thinking patterns so they are more accurate with respect to a given situation. Once your perspective is more realistic, the therapist can help you determine an appropriate course of action. CBT often focuses on cognitive distortions, or irrational patterns of thought that can negatively affect behaviour.

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